If you are a parent of an exam-sitting student, here are some tips on how you can help your child in the run-up to their exams.
Give them the right fuel: Make sure your child eats a well-balanced diet, and limit high-fat, high-sugar and high-caffeine foods that may make them moody and hyperactive.
Plenty of rest: Make sure they get enough sleep (most teenagers need 8-10 hours’ sleep a night). Panicky revision late into the night prior to an exam will benefit no one. A good night’s sleep will improve thinking and concentration.
Calm atmosphere: Help them study by maintaining a calm area of your home where they can revise without distractions. Also, go easy on them regarding household chores – they have other priorities on their minds.
Monitor stress: Watch out for signs of stress. Being more tense than usual, experiencing headaches, a lack of interest in activities they previously enjoyed, a change in appetite, and negative moods can all be signs of stress in children and young people. Involve your child – would they feel comfortable sharing their thoughts with you, or a teacher or tutor?
Stop revising and get some fresh air: Taking a break from the books can be productive in enabling the information to settle into the student’s memory. Be it a 20-minute walk around the local area, or a 3-hour bike ride, exercise will clear the mind and boost energy levels.
Reward hard work with treats: It could be as simple as preparing their favourite meal, a night out at the cinema, or a day trip away from their desks. Be proud of their achievements, and celebrate when exams are over.
And remember, exams don’t last forever.